2010年11月26日 星期五




  • CC打工計畫(CC Media Collector)會在12/5以前有Beta,然後暫停工作兩個半月。
  • NicoFox 會在 12/24 以前出 0.6 正式版。 
  • 正在參與的Start-up計畫(暫不公開XD)會在12月中對台大學生公測。
希望我能夠趕快調適過來然後輕鬆考上。 :P



當時的契機是我想跟兩組人馬同時介紹分散式的版本管理系統,於是拿了 Pro Git 電子書,略讀後把覺得重要的部份剪剪貼貼做成了投影片。

在做完這份投影片過後我對 Git 的了解也增加了不少,尤其是對 Merge 機制的掌握。也感謝 timdream 後來的敲碗讓我不得不去了解 Rebase 的機制。 :)

Git 是一個非常有吸引力的分散式版本控制系統,希望大家都能透過他達到更好的工作效率!

2010年8月14日 星期六

Jetpack SDK Presentation on COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010

In the joint conference of COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010, which is the biggest FLOSS conference in Taiwan this year with more then 1,000 attendees, I gave a 30 minutes presentation about Jetpack SDK and how to developer extension with Addon Builder.

Though I still spoke too fast, it was still a great presentation at all :). The following is the slide of the presentation, which was written in English:

Examples used in the presentation:
  1. Plurk pusher *
  2. Say Sorry pt.2 feat. littlebtc
  3. Plurk unread mointor *
 * You require a Plurk account to test full funcationality of 1 and 3. Plurk is the most famous microblogging service in Taiwan.

To me, I think next time I should not put so much things in a 30-minutes presentation :P

2010年6月6日 星期日



這Apple, Inc. 吃相真的是愈來愈難看了。

2010年4月13日 星期二

Jetpack Workshops in Taiwan, held in 3 cities!

Jetpack Workshop in Taipei, Photo by BobChao under CC-BY-SA-2.0.

As a totally procrastinator, I wrote my review to the workshops a week after it ended :P.

Our local community, MozTW, with the help from OSSF, had held a series of workshop spoken by me, littlebtc, a Jetpack ambassador, about the Jetpack. The workshops held in three major cities in Taiwan: Taipei on March 6, Kaohsiung on March 20, and Taichung on April 3.

In the workshops, the API/JEPs from (now deprecated) Jetpack Prototype was mainly discussed; but technical overview of Jetpack SDK was also included; in the final workshop in Taichung, a demo of Jetpack SDK was given.

Free time to make Jetpacks was another interesting thing in the workshops. Some attendees wrote interesting Jetpacks, including some basic but useful work like fast dictionary search, copy hyperlink HTML code, and "Share with microblogging" function. There are also some fun works, like "Say sorry!", which will input "I'm sorry, it's my fault!" into the textbox and then play a song about apoligize.

For the attendees' work, slides, and more info, check MozTW's event site. Video will be available soon.

2010年2月18日 星期四


12月23日,跑了一趟台中拿從美國寄來的 Extend Firefox 3.5 主要獎品。是台超好用的15吋MacBook Pro >"<

在美國最後一天,明天回台灣,笑一個 XD